Treat Your Online Customers with best of Human and BOT

  • Offer Humanized Experience where it matters to your customers with our Human-BOT

Human Bot

It’s an AI-BOT with seamless handover to Human Agent, if BOT fails to answer customer’s question

  • So, Human-BOT – trained on your product, service knowledge base – creates that first line of defence before your Agents are involved in Audio/Video call with your customers.

  • Train and make your BOT smarter day by day by correcting where BOT failed leading to Agent hand-overs

  • The smarter the BOT the lesser the Agent hand-overs, thereby optimizing your Agent time

Want to get first-hand experience of Human-BOT? Try any of the options below

  • Chat with our Human-BOT below which is trained about Guidizy service and its key features and try and ask some strange question (not related to Guidizy) of your choice, to make our BOT fail so that BOT can offer you the “Agent-handover” experience.

  • Click our Human-BOT below, and choose “Live Demo” and then click on “Agent-Handover” option to start the agent-handover experience.

Design Human Bot in 4 simple Steps with our BOT Studio

Create Knowledge base
Create your business topics and add Q&A for each topic. OR just
upload a file of your business knowledge-base or DO Both.
Design BOT Conversation Flow
Design BOT conversation flow by drag and drop of business
topics and human agent support as needed
Train and Test
Submit your BOT and you will be notified once your BOT has been
trained on your business knowledge-base and ready for Testing
Once you are happy with your testing, that's it. Click LAUNCH
BOT button and to launch BOT to chat with your online customers.

Screen Sharing

Guided online assistance to make Informed choices

Enable Live read-only screen sharing session as part of ongoing audio, video call between online user and your agents for more interactive guided assistance to help make more informed choice

Call Recording

Download Call Recordings for Quality Improvement

  • Configurable Recording feature allows you to Record all Audio, Video calls between your online customers and agents.

  • Recorded calls will be made available for you to download for review and quality improvement purposes.

Web | WhatsApp channels

  • Offer multi-channel support for your online customers

  • Configure the BOT to respond to customers chatting via online and WhatsApp

Call back | Call Appointment

  • BOT captures information required for call back | appointment

  • BOT records the call back request and notifies the customer (for call back requests)

  • BOT records Appointment Booking request which gets assigned to and accepted by relevant Agent

  • BOT sends appointment confirmation email with “JOIN” button to click and join audio / video call with agent

  • During out of office hours

  • During office hours but all your agents are busy on audio / video calls with other customers

  • Always as a preferred choice for busy customers

  • Customer requests for call back appointments through the BOT

Call Forward

Audio Call from your Website to Landline

Yes, that’s right. Our call forward feature bridges your website to your landline, mobile with audio calling.

  • Your online user talks through website and your agent, staff will talk Through landline or Mobile

  • This comes handy to route those online user calls to your regular customer Care number when all your agents, staff are busy talking to other online Customer calls on your website

Agent Anywhere

Attend Online Customer Calls with laptop and Mobile from anywhere

Agent Anywhere feature offers flexibility for your agents, staff to join audio or video calls with online customers from both Office desk or while being remote

  • Enable Live read-only screen sharing session as part of ongoing audio, video call between online user and your agents, staff for more interactive guidance assistance to help make more informed choice

  • Just laptop with Internet connection is all that is needed. In case you are away from laptop, guidizy mobile mode feature allows your staff to use their smart phone | tablet to join audio, video calls with online customer on your website

Talk through web

Humanize customer's online experience where it matters

  • Allow online users to have humanized conversation with your agents, staff from the very page they are on your website to make you more approachable