Offer Retail-Store Like Shopping Experience For Those High-Value Online Customers

  • Enable humanized sales assistance (1-way, 2-way video calls with on demand screen sharing) at those crucial points of online journeys.

Online Decision-Making Gap

  • Majority of the shopping cart abandonments – especially for those high value purchases – are driven by decision making gap and lack of human touch to clarify questions to make informed decision to place the order.

Close The Online Decision-Making Gap Where It Matters

  • Identify crucial drop off points of online journeys and offer humanized sales assistance to those legitimate, high-value online customers with Guidizy

Let Your Website Take Off In High Value Online Customer Conversions

Make your website offer V.I.P help (user consented audio, 1-way, 2-way video call based guided sales assistance) to  those legitimate high value, loyal online customers like how airlines treat premium business class passengers

Integrate Guidizy into your website
and see the difference

No new IT infrastructure required, works with any PC, Tablet with a browser

Create sales journeys that suits your business

Easy integration to existing website

Improve immediate resolution in sales experience

Improve digital experience & sales funnel conversions

Drive sales engagement at the right time